Rules in Progress

The rules writing process is open to the public. The public is welcome to take part in helping us write rules. Rules are also known as regulations, Washington Administrative Code, or WAC. The rule-making process includes public notices and workshops, and usually a public hearing before a rule becomes final.

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Current rules in progress

Changing the scope for optometrists.

The Board of Optometry is proposing to amend, establish new, and possibly repeal sections in chapter 246-851 WAC to implement Substitute Senate Bill (SSB) 5389 (chapter 400, laws of 2023), which expands the optometrist scope of practice to include certain advance procedures and establishes requirements for a license endorsement.

Changing the scope of practice for optometrists. The Board of Optometry is proposing amendments to WAC 246-851-400, 246-851-410, 246-851-570 through 246-851-600 and establishing a new section WAC 246-851-515 to implement Substitute Senate Bill (SSB) 5389 (chapter 400, laws of 2023), which expands the optometrist scope of practice to include certain advanced procedures and establishes requirements for a license endorsement.

The board of Optometry is adopting new WAC 246-851-515 and amendments to WACs 246-851-400, 246-851-410, and 246-851-570 through 246-851-600. The adopted rules are in response to the statutory changes created by Substitute Senate Bill (SSB) 5389 (chapter 400, laws of 2023), codified in RCW 18.54.010. The bill expands optometrist scope of practice to include advanced procedures an optometrist may perform with an advanced procedures license endorsement. The expanded scope is further defined through a list of prohibited ophthalmic surgical procedures. The board is required to adopt rules for education, training, and exams to qualify for an advanced procedures license endorsement. This rule will become permanent 31 days after filing.

Continuing education

The Board of Optometry filed WSR 24-06-033 on February 28, 2024, a CR-101 (PDF), for chapter 24-851 WAC. The board is considering amendments to comply with Second Substitute House Bill (2SHB) 1724 (chapter 425, Laws of 2023).

The Board of Optometry is proposing to remove the jurisprudence (JP) exam requirement from the initial licensure in WAC 246-851-490, and add the JP exam as a requirement from a licensed optometrist first full continuing (CE) reporting period in WAC 246-851-090 to be included with the existing CE hour requirement. This is to comply with Section 8 of Second Substitute House Bill (2SHB) 1724 (chapter 425, laws of 2023) codified as RCW 18.130.077.

The board of Optometry is adopting an amendment to WAC 246-851-490 that removes the jurisprudence (JP) examination requirement from initial licensure. The board is also adopting amendments to WAC 246-851-090 that adds the JP exam as a requirement for a licensed optometrist’s first full CE reporting period, allowing it to count for a maximum of three hours within the existing CE hour requirements. The board is also adopting amendments to clarify the number of allowable CE hours in specific course settings by limiting the number of CE credit hours that may be obtained through asynchronous learning and adding a minimum number of CE credit hours that must be obtained through synchronous and in-person learning.

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