Peer Specialist Rules in Progress

How can I participate in rulemaking? 

The rules writing process is open to the public and welcomes public feedback to assist the department in writing rules. Rules are also known as regulations, Washington Administrative Code, or WAC. The rule-making process includes public notices, workshops, and typically a public hearing before a rule becomes final.

Current Rules in Progress

Rule Language Adoption

The Department of Health (department) would like to thank all of our partners, stakeholders, and interested parties who have collaborated with the department over the last year to develop the draft rule language and ethical guidelines for the new certified peer specialist credential. These rules will go into effect on July 1, 2025. The applications and forms for the profession will not be available until that time. 

The adopted rule language is below.  The language is based on the statutory requirements in RCW 18.420 along with feedback from the 14 public workshops held from October 2023 through September 2024 and the public hearing held on January 7, 2025. Note: the language is provided in the official format of the Code Revisor’s office and does not have the track changes option to see the difference from previous versions. 

There is only one change from the language provided in the CR-102 form, and that is removing "case management" from the scope of practice section (WAC 246-929-040).  In discussion with the Health Care Authority we learned that case management was not a billable service for individuals holding the peer specialist certifications.  The language in WAC cannot expand or modify the scope of practice set out in statute (see RCW 18.420.010 (6) definition of “Practice of peer support services”) so this was removed from the WAC language. 

Ethical Guidelines

Please note that the Ethical Guidelines are not a part of the rule process, therefore they are not included in the CR-103 documents.

Contact the program manager with any questions.

*Peer Specialist is a new program regulated by the Department of Health. This page will be updated regularly with upcoming implementation information. All updates and information received will also be sent out via GovDelivery listserv, subscribe to ensure you receive these future updates.

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