Washington State Adult Vaccine Program

The Washington State Adult Vaccine Program provides vaccine to participating provider locations for adults 19 years of age and older who are uninsured. The program is funded using 317 Federal Funding. Subject to funding, selected vaccine is available for providers to order for a limited time once each year. The vaccines offered change from year to year.

To find information regarding patient immunizations please see our Immunization webpage.

For information regarding COVID-19 vaccine, please see the COVID-19 vaccine webpage.

Can't find what you're looking for regarding the Adult Vaccine Program? Contact us at WAAdultVaccines@doh.wa.gov.

Participating Provider Links

  • Adult Vaccine Program User Manual (PDF)
  • Provider Map: This map can be used to identify providers who received publicly supplied vaccines through the Childhood Vaccine Program and Adult Vaccine Program. The map is updated twice each year. Contact the provider in advance regarding availability of supply and for more information regarding the policies associated with the practice.

Program Information

To be added to the Adult Vaccine Program Updates newsletter, please email your request to WAAdultVaccines@doh.wa.gov.

Loss & Returns: The Adult Vaccine Program accepts return of expired or wasted vaccine. Vaccine returns are now processed in the Immunization Information System (IIS). Please fill out and submit the Adult Vaccine Program

Vaccine Loss Log (PDF) for any vaccine loss greater than $2500. 


Complete the Vaccine Transfer Request in the IIS at least 48 hours before each intended movement of vaccine. The Adult Vaccine Program reviews transfer requests on a case-by-case basis. Vaccine cannot be moved prior to Transfer Request approval from DOH.

Off-Site Vaccination Clinic Guidelines

Providers must follow the guidelines in the Off-Site Vaccination Clinic form (PDF) in order to participate in an off-site clinic event. 

Monthly Accountability Reporting

Providers who are enrolled in the Adult Vaccine Program (AVP) are required to submit temperature logs monthly for storage units that they store AVP vaccines in the REDCap Provider Portal. A REDCap link will be sent to the primary and backup vaccine coordinator(s) at each facility via an automated email on the first of the month. The email will come from WAAdultVaccines@doh.wa.gov or WAChildhoodVaccines@doh.wa.gov if a provider is dually enrolled. This link will be the same every month, so it can be bookmarked and saved in the browser.

Guide to Using the Provider Portal in REDCap

The provider portal is a landing page that allows the submission of temperature logs, reporting excursions, and submitting follow up information requested by the programs in one place.

Vaccine Storage Unit Guide (PDF): Storage units must keep vaccines stored at appropriate temperatures. Give safe and effective vaccines to patients by following storage and handling guidelines. This guide shows federal and Washington State requirements for vaccine storage units. Often the most expensive part of Childhood and Adult Vaccine Programs (CVP and AVP) participation, selecting your vaccine storage units, must be done with care. Please contact us for guidance prior to purchasing equipment.

COVID-19 and flu vaccine are ordered through the IIS, while supplies last. Use this AVP COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccine Ordering & Receiving Guide (PDF) to help you create orders electronically and receive them into your inventory in the IIS.

Storage and Handling

Vaccine Coordinator Quick Start Guide (PDF): This is a resource that we encourage providers to post on their storage units. It includes the basic duties to ensure proper vaccine temperature monitoring and accountability reporting. Accurate and timely completion of these tasks ensure you will not experience disruptions in vaccine ordering.

Vaccine Storage Unit Guide (PDF): Storage units must keep vaccines stored at appropriate temperatures. Give safe and effective vaccines to patients by following storage and handling guidelines. This guide shows federal and Washington State requirements for vaccine storage units. Often the most expensive part of Childhood and Adult Vaccine Programs (CVP and AVP) participation, selecting your vaccine storage units must be done with care. Please contact us for guidance prior to purchasing equipment.

Thermometer Requirements Guide (PDF): This guide highlights the different types of thermometers available and identifies those that comply with the Washington State Adult Vaccine Programs. Using the correct thermometer or continuous monitoring system to monitor vaccine is critical. All providers enrolled in the Adult Vaccine Program must use a continuous temperature monitoring device in each unit storing publicly supplied vaccine to monitor vaccine temperature. Please contact us for guidance prior to purchasing equipment.

Vaccine Temperature Excursion Guide (PDF)

Providers planning to move their clinic to a new location are required to notify the Vaccine Program at WAAdultVaccines@doh.wa.gov several weeks in advance so we can provide guidance to help the move go as smoothly as possible. Please see the Clinic Moves Checklist (PDF)


To disenroll from the Adult Vaccine Program, please complete the Provider Disenrollment Form (PDF) and email to WAAdultVaccines@doh.wa.gov

Vaccine Allocation Plan

The Vaccine Allocation Plan (PDF) describes the Department of Health’s (DOH) vaccine allocation strategy for fall respiratory immunization products during times of limited supply. This includes a strategy to address (a) phased in or limited supply at the beginning of the season or start-up of a new product, and (b) limited supply or production issues leading to limited product availability for a specified period.

During times of limited availability of a vaccine or immunization product, our goal is to balance accessibility, supply, and demand. The goal is to implement an approach that equitably offers products across the state and mitigates disparities in access. Allocation strategies are used until supply meets demand.

Adult Vaccine Program Newsletters

To subscribe to the Adult Vaccine Program (AVP) Newsletter, please email the AVP team at WAAdultVaccines@doh.wa.gov