Washington State Department of Health
Call: 360-236-3595 (main) or 1-866-397-0337 (toll free)
- For Adults
- Measles in Long-Term Care (PDF)
- Flu Check this website often during flu season for regular flu updates, links to the most current flu Vaccine Information Statements, flu screening tools, and more.
- Long-Term Care Immunization Toolkit (PDF)
- How To Administer Multiple Intramuscular Vaccines to Adults During One Visit
Provider WAIIS Resources
Fall 2024/2025
- Vaccinating with Confidence Adults in Long-Term Care (PDF)
- Vax in A Minute, LTC Immunization Program Annual Toolkit (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services
Aging and Long-Term Support Administration (ALTSA)
Immunization Action Coalition of Washington | Immunity Community
Call: 206-284-5168
Healthcare Worker Immunization Tools
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Call: 1-800-CDC-INFO (toll free)
Flu Information
- Seasonal Influenza (Flu). Visit this site for information on flu, vaccine recommendations, educational materials, and infection control guidelines.
National Immunization Program
- Vaccines and Immunizations. Visit this site for general information about vaccines, the diseases they prevent, and educational materials to download or order.
- Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) | ACIP | CDC Visit this site for information, recommendations, and meeting information.
Pneumococcal Information
- Prevention of Pneumococcal Disease--Recommendations of the Advisory Committee
on Immunization Practices (PDF) - Pneumococcal Vaccine Timing for Adults
- Prevention and Control of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in Long-term Care Facilities
- Standards for Adult Immunization Practice | Washington State Department of Health
- Vaccine Information Statements