VAC Members

The Vaccine Advisory Committee (VAC) includes representatives with expertise in tribal health, vaccinology, preventative medicine, vaccine-preventable disease management, pediatrics, epidemiology, family practice, naturopathic medicine, school health, health care purchasing, pharmacy issues, internal medicine, perinatal health care, childcare, obstetrics and gynecology, and public health. The Chief Science Officer chairs this meeting with support from the Office of Immunization.

Open Seats

There are no open seats on the VAC currently.

Members attend quarterly meetings in January, April, July, and October on the 2nd Thursday of the month. January, July, and October meetings are held via Zoom and run from 11am to 1pm. April meetings will be hybrid with both an in-person attendance option and Zoom option. Hybrid meetings will run from 11am to 2pm to accommodate this format.

VAC Members


  • Dr. Tao Sheng Kwan-Gett, MD, MPH, Chief Science Officer, Washington State Department of Health

Managed Care

  • Dr. John Dunn, Kaiser Permanente

American Indian Health Commission for Washington (AIHC)

  • Wendy Stevens

State Agency Healthcare Purchasers

  • Korrina Dalke, RN, BSN, CPC, Health Care Authority

National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP)

  • Dr. Charisse Gumapas, ARNP, DNP

Naturopathic Medicine

  • Dr. Mary Alison Koehnke, ND, Washington, Association of Naturopathic Physicians

Washington Academy of Family Physicians (WAFP)

  • Dr. Gretchen LaSalle
  • Dr. John Merrill-Steskal

Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (WCAAP)

  • Dr. Francis Bell
  • Dr. Seema Abbasi

Washington State Association of Local Public Health Officials (WSALPHO)

  • Dr. Mark Larson, Health Officer, Kittitas County Public Health Department

Public Health--Seattle & King County

  • Libby Page, MPH, Immunization Program Manager

Internal Medicine Organization

  • Dr. Mary Anderson, Washington Chapter of American College of Physicians

Washington State Pharmacy Association

  • Dr. Jenny Arnold, Pharm.D., Director of Pharmacy Practice Development

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)

  • Annie Hetzel, MSN, RN, NCSN, School Health Services Consultant

Seattle Indian Health Board

  • Dr. Maithri Sarangam, Pediatrician

Northwest Tribal Epidemiology Center

  • Tam Lutz, Project Director

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)

  • Dr. Alisa Kachikis

Childcare Representation

  • Lauren Greenfield, BS, BSN, RN, Public Health Nurse Consultant, Child Care Health Program at Public Health – Seattle and King County

School Nurse Representation

  • Sarah Kim, MSN, RN, CPN, NCSN

Student Representation

  • Magali Sanchez, MPH


  • Dr. Beth Harvey
  • Dr. Ed Marcuse

Department of Health Staff

  • Dr.Jamilia Sherls, DNP, MPH, RN, CPN, CDP, Director, Office of Immunization
  • Jéaux Rinedahl, PhD, RN, Clinical, Quality, and Schools Section Manager, Office of Immunization
  • Janel Jorgenson, Vaccine Management Section Manager, Office of Immunization
  • Dr. Meredith Cook, PhD, Assessment Section Manager, Office of Immunization
  • Peter Dieringer, MPH, Informatics Section Manager, Office of Immunization
  • Jeff Chorath, MBA, MHA, Immunization Information System Section Manager, Office of Immunization
  • Teri Maitri, Office Manager, Office of Immunization
  • Mary Huynh, MPH, MPP, CDC Senior Public Health Advisor, Office of Immunization
  • Meghan Cichy, MPH, RDN, CD, Senior Policy Analyst, Office of Immunization
  • Chas DeBolt, RN, MPH, Vaccine Preventable Diseases Epidemiologist, Office of Health and Science
  • Sherry Carlson, Acting Deputy Director, Health Promotion and Health Education, Office of Public Affairs and Equity