Outreach and Partnerships

Upcoming Training Opportunities

Quarterly Long-Term Care Infection Prevention Call

  • Respiratory Virus Preparedness – Thursday, September 5th at 3pm
    • DOH HAIAR invites all long-term care settings to join us on a webinar about preparedness for respiratory virus season. This call will include presentations and panelists from local health, RCS, emergency preparedness, vaccines and infection prevention.
  • Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms – Thursday, December 5th at 11am
    • DOH HAIAR invites all long-term care settings to join us on a webinar about multi-drug resistant organisms.

Past training opportunities

Washington State Long-term Care Training for Local Health Jurisdictions

June 22, 2023, The Department of Social and Health Services and the Department of Health, in collaboration with the State Office of the Long-term Care Ombuds and representatives of long-term care facilities, have developed training materials to educate the leadership and staff of local health jurisdictions on the state's long-term care system.

October 25, 2022, the DOH and RCS hosted an hour-long webinar on the recently updated CDC recommendations for use of Enhanced Barrier Precautions (EBP) in nursing facilities. EBP is an important tool to prevent the spread of multi-drug-resistant organisms in facilities. View the slides from the presentation (PDF)

Templates to assist hospitals in implementing HB1739