The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is Washington State's AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP).
EIP provides services to help eligible persons with HIV get the medications and assistance with insurance premium payments they need to improve and maintain their health.
EIP offers the following services for eligible clients:
- Pays for certain HIV-related prescription medications. For clients with insurance, EIP may pay what insurance doesn't for formulary-covered medications.
- Helps clients get an identification number and a pharmacy card. Clients can present these to a contracting pharmacy to get their medications, in most cases for a small monthly fee.
- Provides assistance in acquiring insurance and Medicaid eligibility.
- Provides assistance with insurance premium payments and co-pays on HIV-related medications and office services.
Contact Information
Toll Free Phone Number (In Washington State) 877-376-9316
Office 360-236-3426
Fax 360-664-2216
Mailing address
Client Services
PO Box 47841
Olympia, WA 98504-7841
Questions? Email us at ask.EIP@doh.wa.gov.