You're in the right place if you are a registered user of Department of Health secure applications. Log into Secure Access Washington (SAW) to access department tools and restricted data systems for which you are an authorized user of CHAT or SADQS.
How do I become an authorized user?
- Community Health Assessment Tool (CHAT): CHAT is a data query system that pulls from a data repository. The system is maintained by the department for the public health workforce in Washington. If you are not a registered CHAT user, you may be able to gain access to this system if you are currently employed by a public health agency in Washington (state or county) and you conduct assessment work. Contact the CHAT coordinator at or 360-236-4207 for more information about CHAT registration.
- School Absenteeism Data Query System (SADQS): SADQS provides school and public health officials access to daily school absenteeism counts, summarized by school, school district, and county within Washington State. This information allows school administrators, nursing staff and public health authorities to monitor school absenteeism for trends and anomalies, which may assist in identification of health conditions in the student population. If you are not registered for SADQS, please contact Glen Patrick at or 360-236-3177.
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