Eastern Regional Drinking Water Office Staff

Eastern Washington counties

Main Phone: 509-329-2100
Fax: 509-329-2104
TTY Relay Service: 1-800-833-6388

Program Emails

Information and Technical Assistance

Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please direct all general inquiries to our main line at 509-329-2100. Staff are available to assist with most questions immediately. As necessary, other questions will be referred to the appropriate staff for response.

The Eastern Regional Office regulates and provides technical assistance to over 2115 Group A public water systems serving approximately 1,523,468 people in the following counties: Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas, Franklin, Ferry, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman, Yakima.

Marcus Goodman, Regional Manager, 509-329-2105

Manages the Eastern Regional Office. Supervises program staff.

Scott Mallery, P.E., Assistant Regional Manager, 509-329-2131

Supervises the Regional Engineers and Planners. Manages Planning and Engineering staff.

Bobbi Trusty, Office Manager, 509-329-2107

Supervises the Regional Administrative Staff. Manages office records and public disclosure.

Engineering Staff

Regional Engineering staff are responsible for the implementation of the state's drinking water program in assigned counties. They conduct sanitary surveys and special purpose investigations of public water systems and promote needed water facility improvements. They are the lead reviewer of specifications for system improvements and provide technical assistance to purveyors and local health departments upon request.

Andy Cervantes, P.E., 509-329-2120
Adams, Klickitat, Whitman, and Yakima counties
Specialty: Groundwater Under the Influence (GWI).

Sheri Miller, P.E., 509-329-2123
Chelan, Douglas, and Okanogan counties
Specialty: Lead and copper.

Russell Mau, PhD, P.E., 509-329-2116
Grant, Kittitas, and Lincoln counties, Hanford Area systems
Specialty: Surface Water and Treatment Ratings.

Nathan Ikehara, P.E., 509-329-2124
Ferry, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens counties
Specialty: Cross Connection, SRF, and Group B.

Lupe Gonzalez, 509-329-2147
Asotin, Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Garfield, and Walla Walla counties

Planning Staff

Regional Planning staff are responsible for the implementation of the state's drinking water planning program in assigned counties. They are the lead reviewer of Water System Plans, Small Water System Management Program Plans, Water System Consolidations, Water Use Efficiency, Funding, and they provide technical assistance to purveyors and local health departments upon request.

Jamie Clark, 509-329-2137
Adams, Asotin, Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Klickitat, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties

Vacant, 509-329-2100
Chelan, Douglas, Ferry, Kittitas, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, and Stevens counties

Program Staff

Provide the day-to-day contact for state requirements and compliance and provide technical assistance to purveyors and local health departments upon request.

Coliform Water Quality Monitoring Program

Program email: ERO.Coli@doh.wa.gov

  • Coliform sampling results, requirements, and compliance
  • Coliform and E.coli technical assistance
  • Boil water/health advisories
  • Total coliform rule
  • Groundwater disinfection

Chemical Water Quality Monitoring Program

Anna Duron, 509-329-2132
Specialty: Disinfection By-products

  • Arsenic, inorganic chemicals, volatile organic chemicals, synthetic organic chemicals and radionuclides, and asbestos
  • Susceptibility assessment, pesticide vulnerability determinations, and waivers for organic and inorganic chemical monitoring
  • Water Quality Monitoring Schedules
  • Consumer Confidence Reports
  • Groundwater under the influence

Nitrate Program

Ashly Beebe, 509-329-2135

  • Nitrate sampling, requirements, and compliance
  • Health advisories
  • Lead and Copper Monitoring

Compliance Program

Katrina McLaughlin, 509-329-2128

  • Compliance strategies and enforcement
  • Operating permits

Sanitary Survey Program

Mark Steward, 509-329-2136

  • Well-site inspections
  • Technical investigations
  • Sanitary surveys

Water Facilities Inventory Program

Kelsey Russell, 509-329-2166

  • Water system updates
  • Transfer of ownership
  • Water system classifications (Group and Type)

Administrative Staff

Kristyn Alm, 509-329-2143

Esther McCord, 509-329-2106

Jennifer Simmons

  • Customer assistance
  • Invoices: project review/approval, surveys
  • Complaints
  • Consumer Confidence Report
  • Publication requests
  • Monthly treatment reports

Submit public disclosure requests directly to our Public Disclosure Office.