One Health

What is One Health? I One Health Collaborative I Current One Health Efforts I Resources

One Health Conference

About the conference

The Washington State One Health, Zoonotic and Vector-borne Disease conference is an opportunity for cross-sector sharing and collaboration on human, animal, and environmental health issues.

Conference dates

The next conference will be held virtually on April 30th and May 1st, 2025, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., PST. This free virtual conference will:

  • Award continuing education credits for veterinarians and registered sanitarians
  • Provide an opportunity for individuals across the state to network and share ideas regarding issues at the human, animal, and environmental interface.

We will post registration information for the conference on this webpage. Contact Lauren Sarkissian at with any conference related questions.

Register for WA One Health Conference 2025

What is One Health?

One Health is a collaborative effort of multiple disciplines working locally, nationally and globally to improve the health of our ecosystem, including humans, animals, plants, and our environment. One Health promotes multi-sectoral and cross-disciplinary collaboration to solve health challenges.

One Health requires relationship-building, communication, collaboration, and coordination among professionals in multiple sectors. Several offices and programs at the Department of Health use a One Health approach, including Communicable Disease Epidemiology, Zoonotic and Vector-borne Disease ProgramEnvironmental Public Health Sciences, and the Climate and Health program. Additionally, Global and One Health is one of five priorities in the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) Transformational Plan. The Transformational Plan outlines commitment to leading the development and implementation of One Health.

CDC-One Health-Opportunity for communities to join for animal, human, and environmental health

One Health Collaborative

WA DOH is one of the coordinating agencies for the One Health Collaborative, along with Washington State Department of Agriculture, Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Inspection Service (APHIS). The One Health Collaborative seeks to improve the lives of human and animal Washingtonians and our shared environment through pragmatic relationship-building, cross-agency collaboration, and constructive communication. We meet quarterly to facilitate a One Health approach among people working in government agencies and institutions related to One Health.

In 2019, the Collaborative worked with the Governor's Office for recognition of One Health Day, on November 3rd, to raise awareness about the necessity of an interdisciplinary approach to solving health challenges.

Governor's Proclamation for One Health Day (PDF)

One Health Collaborative Mission and Vision Statement (PDF)

Participating Agencies

Current One Health Efforts

One Health Needs Assessment

In 2022, WA DOH received Foundational Public Health Services funding to conduct partner engagement and perform a One Health Needs Assessment. The objective of the assessment was to identify gaps, opportunities, and priorities related to One Health work in Washington to guide funding, program activities, and policy decisions moving forward, as well as leveraging existing resources and strengthening partnerships.

The workshop took place in March 2023. A Needs Assessment Advisory Committee, with 17 representatives from state agencies, local public health, academia, and tribal organizations, helped design and plan the workshop over several months. At the workshop, topics within several areas were discussed: antimicrobial resistance and stewardship, healthy environments, data systems, zoonotic and vector-borne diseases, moving prevention work upstream, climate and health, and One Health engagement.

One Health Needs Assessment Report, Washington State 2023 (PDF)

One Health Needs Assessment Summary (PDF)

Surveillance and Data Systems Workgroup

The vision of this workgroup is that Washington state has the capability to capture, share and integrate human, animal and environmental data in a coordinated way that allows for common analysis and interpretation to enhance surveillance and prevention of conditions and diseases impacting One Health. Group members are working together across agencies, organizations, and universities to improve data capture, sharing and integration for conditions and diseases that impact One Health.  Contact for more information. Contact Hanna Oltean for more information.

One Health Combating Antimicrobial Resistance Collaborative

The concept of One Health applies to antimicrobial resistance.

  • Antibiotics used in animals contribute to antibiotic resistance in humans, and vice versa.
  • Antibiotic resistant germs can spread between people and animals.
  • Soil and water contaminated with antibiotic resistant germs from human and animal waste can cause infections in people and animals.
  • Antibiotics released into waterways can increase antibiotic resistant germs in the environment.
  • Antifungals used on agricultural crops may increase antifungal resistance in certain fungal infections that impact humans.

DOH works collaboratively with other Washington agencies and organizations to combat antimicrobial resistance through the One Health Combating Antimicrobial Resistance Collaborative, contact for more information.

LHJ One Health Community of Practice

Local health jurisdictions collaborate to share strategies, ideas, successes, lessons learned, and other topics related to applying the One Health approach in local public health practice. Contact to learn more.
