Drug Labs

Illegal drug labs can be set up using common household equipment and chemicals. Toxic fumes, spills, explosions, and fires make drug labs dangerous places. Drug labs can create large amounts of toxic waste. Our Drug Lab Cleanup Program certifies individuals and companies involved in drug lab cleanup.

Meth Lab Dangers

Methamphetamine and Drug Labs

Hire a Drug Lab Cleanup Company

Certified Cleanup Contractor Companies

Cleanup Worker Certification

Certification Process - Requirements and fees for becoming a drug lab cleanup worker, supervisor, contractor, or trainer.

Renewal Process - Certification renewal process for drug lab cleanup workers and supervisors.

Decontamination Resources

Laws, Rules, and Policies

Chapter 64.44 RCW, Contaminated Properties

Chapter 246-205 WAC, Decontamination of Illegal Drug Manufacturing or Storage Sites

Chapter 296-843 WAC, Industry requirements for Hazardous Waste Operations

Methamphetamine Use in Transient Accommodations Interpretive Statement (PDF)

More Resources

Fentanyl Exposure in Public Places

Exposure to Fentanyl Contamination in the Workplace (PDF)

How to Respond to Fentanyl Contamination as an Employer (PDF)

Contaminated Vehicle, Boat, or Manufactured Home, Department of Licensing

National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx)