Agency Affiliated Counselor Rules in Progress

Rules In Progress

The rules writing process is open to the public. The public is welcome to take part in helping us write rules. Rules are also known as regulations, Washington Administrative Code, or WAC. The rule-making process includes public notices and workshops, and usually a public hearing before a rule becomes final.

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Current Rules in Progress

Rulemaking workshops to continue implementing 2SHB 1724, coursework requirements for certified and licensed agency affiliated counselors

Legislation passed in 2023 (2SHB 1724 (PDF)) created two new levels of agency affiliated counselor (AAC) credentials, the licensed AAC and the certified AAC, and tasked the department with creating coursework requirements for each of the new credentials. The license and certification joined the original agency affiliated counselor credential, the registration. The new AAC credentials were immediately implemented through emergency rulemaking, which will continue to be refiled until the permanent rules go into effect. The department also opened standard rulemaking to develop the coursework requirements and other aspects of these new credentials. The emergency rules will be rescinded when the permanent rules go into effect. 

Over spring and summer 2024, the department hosted several workshops to develop the coursework requirements for the certified and licensed AAC credentials. The ongoing rulemaking incorporates draft language to address student interns as registered AACs and recommendations from the certified counselor hypnotherapist advisory committee, since those credentials share the same WAC chapter as agency affiliated counselors. While the main workshops have concluded, additional workshops will be scheduled if needed and posted above. Please consult prior workshop materials below to see the proposed draft language. 

Prior Workshop Materials

The department has created the two new levels of agency affiliated counselor credentials as required by 2SHB 1724

Legislation passed in 2023 (2SHB 1724 (PDF)) created two new levels of agency affiliated counselor credentials, the licensed AAC and the certified AAC. The license and certification joined the original agency affiliated counselor credential, the registration.  The new AAC credentials were immediately implemented through emergency rulemaking. The department also opened standard rulemaking to develop the coursework requirements and other aspects of these new credentials.  The emergency rules will be rescinded when the permanent rules go into effect. 

In addition to increasing the trained behavioral health workforce, this bill also brings the historical process of mental health professional (MHP) designation of a registered AAC into statutory alignment. All AACs prior to 2023 were registered AACs, but some were also designated MHPs based on meeting extra conditions. Since the bill removed the registered AAC credential from the definition of a MHP, those who are currently registered AACs designated as an MHPs will need to apply for the licensed AAC credential to continue to practice under the expanded scope of practice. The department wrote a policy statement offering guidance on when a registered AAC designated as an MHP, should apply for the licensed AAC credential. 

Please visit our FAQs for more information on the new credentials.  

The department is working to implement ESSHB 1504 to allow student interns to practice as agency affiliated counselors

Legislation passed in 2021 (ESSHB 1504 (PDF)), allowed student interns to practice as registered agency affiliated counselors. Since this practice was already occurring, the original CR-101 was withdrawn and this rulemaking is being included with the standard rulemaking CR-101 filed for 2SHB 1724 (see above, WSR 23-16-044 (PDF). A policy statement has been issued pertaining to student interns working as AACs (PDF) (to be referenced until the rules are updated).

Proposed draft language previously reviewed in workshops has been incorporated to the Chapter 246-810 draft language posted above.  

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