License Inspection Customer Satisfaction Survey

How was your pharmacy inspection experience?

The Pharmacy Commission, Washington State Department of Health (DOH), its managers and staff, and the Divisions comprising our organization are committed to asking for, listening to, and utilizing the feedback of our customers and stakeholders. Please take a moment from your busy schedule to give us your thoughts by completing this survey concerning the new pharmacy inspection process. The survey takes about 5 minutes. Your opinions, concerns, and guidance are important to us and will be considered to improve the inspection process

The survey is voluntary and you are free to refuse participation or to stop at any time. Your participation and your responses to the survey will not affect any DOH services or benefits to which you might otherwise be entitled. All responses are anonymous and cannot be linked back to you. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Tracy West by email or call 360-236-4988.

Information collected via this survey may be subject to release in accordance with chapter 42.56 RCW (Public Records Act).

Start survey here.