Rules in Progress - Certified Counselors


Rules in Progress 

Certified Counselors

The rules writing process is open to the public. The public is welcome to take part in helping us write rules. Rules are also known as regulations, Washington Administrative Code, or WAC. The rule-making process includes public notices and workshops, and usually a public hearing before a rule becomes final.

To get updates about rule making and other topics related to certified counselors, please subscribe. After entering your email address, choose Health Systems Quality Assurance, Health Professions, certified counselors list. 

The Department of Health is hosting one more workshop to review draft rule language for chapter 246-810 WAC. The newest revisions have changes to the coursework requirements for certified counselors and certified advisers. While these changes are the primary focus of this workshop, feedback and comments about the rest of the chapter will also be accepted. 

Workshop Information:

July 31, 2024 at noon

You do not need to register in advance to participate in the workshop. You can join using the meeting link or phone number listed below.

Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 223 030 955 522
Passcode: Vao6Nd

Dial in by phone
+1 564-999-2000,,96315276# United States, Olympia
Phone conference ID: 963 152 76#

Draft Language for workshop

Current Rules in Progress

Rulemaking workshops to continue implementing 2SHB 1724, coursework requirements for certified and licensed agency affiliated counselors

Legislation passed in 2023 (2SHB 1724 (PDF)) created two new levels of agency affiliated counselor (AAC) credentials, the licensed AAC and the certified AAC, and tasked the department with creating coursework requirements for each of the new credentials. The license and certification joined the original agency affiliated counselor credential, the registration. The new AAC credentials were immediately implemented through emergency rulemaking, which will continue to be refiled until the permanent rules go into effect. The department also opened standard rulemaking to develop the coursework requirements and other aspects of these new credentials. The emergency rules will be rescinded when the permanent rules go into effect. 

Over spring and summer 2024, the department hosted several workshops to develop the coursework requirements for the certified and licensed AAC credentials. The ongoing rulemaking incorporates draft language to address student interns as registered AACs and recommendations from the certified counselor hypnotherapist advisory committee, since those credentials share the same WAC chapter as agency affiliated counselors. While the main workshops have concluded, additional workshops will be scheduled if needed and posted above. Please consult prior workshop materials to see the proposed draft language. 

Prior Workshop Materials

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