Fee Schedule
- Initial application by exam - $500
- Original application (without examination)
- Initial application (without examination) - $500
- Initial license (without examination) - $500
- Total: $1,000
- Faculty license application - $500
- Resident license application - $115
- Active license renewal - $415*
- Late renewal penalty - $185
- Inactive license status renewal - $175*
- Inactive late renewal penalty - $50
- Retired active license renewal - $200
- Retired active late renewal penalty - $75
- Expired license reissuance - $300
- Duplicate license - $15
- Certification letter - $25
* Includes the $50 Washington Physician Health Program surcharge.
Anesthesia permit
- Initial application - $150
- Renewal – (three-year renewal cycle) - $160
- Late renewal penalty - $80
- Expired permit reissuance - $50
* There is no application or renewal fee for the pediatric sedation endorsement.
Fees submitted with applications for initial credentialing, examinations, renewal, and other fees associated with the licensing and regulation of the profession are non-refundable, per WAC 246-12-340.