- Military Spouse Benefits: Get Reimbursed for Licensure When You PCS
- Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools – ABHES serves as a nationally recognized accrediting agency of institutions predominately providing health education and programmatic accreditation in specific health education disciplines.
- American Psychological Association-Accredited Programs – Search our database of up-to-date listings of programs' accredited status, including: doctoral programs (clinical, counseling, school and combined); internship programs; and postdoctoral residency programs (traditional clinical and specialty).
- Healthcare Accrediting Agencies – Entering the healthcare field? Make sure that your school of choice is accredited by one of these agencies, all of which are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
- Military Families Washington - Washington State is committed to being the home of choice for military families. Whether you are current or former family of an active duty service member, member of the Reserves or National Guard, or veteran, we want to support you in making Washington the best place to live, work, and thrive.
- Military OneSource – Spouse licensure reimbursement policies: The 2018 National Defense Authorization Act allows each service branch to reimburse spouses up to $1,000 for relicensure and certification costs resulting from relocations or PCS moves that cross U.S. state lines - to include OCONUS to stateside moves..
- Military and Veterans State Legislation Database – The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) works to bring you updated information on bills that have been introduced in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, related to military and veterans issues.
- Military Spouse Employment Partnership Career Portal
- Military Spouses Licensing and Credentialing Opportunities Washington – like many states, have implemented laws to make it easier for military spouses relocating from out of state to carry their occupational licenses to a new state.
- Military Spouse License Recognition Resources – sponsored by WorkforceGPS and the USDOL-ETA, provides career-focused resources specifically targeting military spouses
- Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) Program
- The SECO Program – the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Program provides education and career guidance to military spouses worldwide. SECO offers comprehensive resources and tools ranging from initial career exploration to education and training to employment readiness to career connections.
Eligibility Criteria – a premium DS Logon account makes accessing MySECO easier and faster!
Military spouses meeting the following criteria are eligible to participate in the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program:
- Spouses of active duty, National Guard and reserve component military members in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force
- Spouses of military members separated from active duty, National Guard and reserves for less than 180 days
- Surviving spouses of military members who died while on active duty
- Note: the following military spouses aren't eligible to participate in the SECO program:
- Spouses who are also active duty military members themselves
- Spouses of Coast Guard military members
- Note: the following military spouses aren't eligible to participate in the SECO program:
The following military spouses are not eligible to participate in the SECO program:
- Spouses who are also active duty military members themselves
- Spouses of Coast Guard military members
- TEACH-NOW Veterans – fully accredited online university that enables Veterans, active duty members and spouse(s) who already have a baccalaureate degree to obtain a teaching certificate within nine months or a Master of Education Degree in as fast as one year.
- TeacherReady – fully accredited online Teacher Certification Program – become a teacher in less than a year.