Childhood lead poisoning is a serious but preventable public health issue. Lead is a toxic metal that can cause learning and behavior problems, and delay physical growth and mental development. A blood test is available to measure the amount of lead in your blood and to estimate the amount of exposure to lead. A change in blood lead levels from less than 1 µg/dL to 10 µg/dL is associated with a loss of six or seven IQ points. (Lamphear et. al. 2005, Cainfeld et. al. 2003).
Why is lead exposure data important?
This site provides data on blood lead testing and on elevated blood lead levels among Washington children. Lead-based paint and lead-contaminated dust are responsible for much of the lead poisoning in children. Knowing the way children are exposed to lead can help prevent future lead poisonings.
View the Data
You can also explore WTN's Information by Location (IBL) mapping tool to see how age of housing and poverty affects risk of lead exposure across Washington communities.
Reduce Exposure
To learn more about lead, your health, and reducing your risk for exposure, visit our Lead Prevention webpage.
Additional Resources
Data Notes for Lead Exposure Risk
Data Notes for Childhood Blood Lead Level Testing
Data Notes for the Leaded Aviation Fuel Exposure Overlay
Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance
Childhood Lead Poisoning - CDC
Department of Ecology Cleanup Site Search
Lead Product Recalls - Hazard dropdown type lead
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