Information for Schools and Early Learning Programs About the Immunization Information System


This page includes information about the Washington State Immunization Information System (IIS) for schools, child care centers, and early learning programs. Click any of the links below to jump to a specific topic.

Privacy Rules and the IIS

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
HIPAA recognizes the legitimate need for public health authorities and others responsible for ensuring public health and safety to have access to protected health information to carry out their public health mission. The Privacy Rule permits a covered entity (i.e. health care provider) to disclose protected health information for public health activities and purposes without individual authorization (Section 164.512(b)(1)(i)).

Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
FERPA guides the school's authority to disclose information. According to FERPA, a program nurse or assignee should have written parent consent to add immunization information to a child's record in the Washington State Immunization Information System.

Note: This information is not intended to provide legal advice, and you are encouraged to seek your own counsel regarding HIPAA, FERPA, and Washington State laws.



This short video provides an overview of HIPAA and FERPA and how these privacy rules relate to IIS data.

How to Get Access to the IIS

  • View Only Access
    This type of access allows IIS users to view and print immunization records, including the Certificate of Immunization Status that is required for school and child care entry.
  • School Module Access
    The School Module allows IIS users to view and enter any missing immunization records in the system. This Module also provides tools to help schools track student compliance with immunization requirements.

Helpful Links

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can access the Immunization Information System?

In order to access the IIS, you must have a licensed health care provider affiliated with your school or early learning program. Health care providers can delegate IIS access to another staff person in the school or early learning program, like a health assistant.

How can I find out which schools and early learning programs participate in the IIS?

What should I do if I see duplicate records?

You can report duplicate records by following these instructions.

What should I do if I see errors?

Call or email the IIS Help Desk at 1-800-325-5599 if you see an error.

How can I help to complete immunization records if I have more data?

Sometimes you may get records from families that are more complete than information in the IIS. Schools with access to the School Module are able to enter missing immunization information from medically-verified records into the IIS. If you do not have access to the School Module, the student's healthcare provider will need to enter the missing immunizations.

How can I enter vaccine contraindications in the IIS?

Schools with access to the School Module are able to enter history of chickenpox for students. Healthcare providers can enter various vaccine contraindications in the IIS. View the Adding Adverse Reactions and Contraindications Quick Reference Guide for more detailed instructions.

If I find immunizations in the Immunization Information System that are not on the CIS, can I update the CIS?

RCWs 28A.210.100 and 28A.210.110 say it's the parent's responsibility to submit immunization information to the school. In using the IIS, the school nurse or assignee is facilitating parent report. If a signed CIS is already on file, additional information obtained from the IIS may be added to the CIS. No parent permission is needed for school staff to update the CIS for recordkeeping purposes. Document on the CIS that you found this information in the IIS and include the date.