Certified Behavior Technician
- Apply online
Getting started
Online Application Instructions
Online application instructions are on our website.
Once you have completed the process, you will find your pending credential number on Provider Credential Search. Refer to this credential number any time you contact the Department of Health or submit paperwork.
- Apply on paper
The following forms are required for completing the application process. Please download and print forms.
Applications must be completed either by hand or typed via typewriter. Completing forms in Adobe or other PDF maker will be considered modified and deficient.
Email HSQAReview6@doh.wa.gov for additional documentation.
- Certified behavior technician application (PDF)
- Certified behavior technician expired application (PDF)
- Certified behavior technician training program Form (PDF)
- Certified behavior technician attestation (PDF)
Additional forms
Please keep in mind the following when submitting applications:
The Department of Health is a primary source verification. This means the department requires certain documents to be sent from the originating source.
Education or training documents must be sent directly from the source (i.e., school or training supervisor).
Mail your application with initial documentation and your check or money order payable to:
Department of Health
P.O. Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099For certified behavior technicians (CBT) and licensed assistant behavior analyst applicants:
- The training program form is to be sent from the training supervisor who is attesting to the training.
- Please ensure the declaration form is in a sealed envelope or sent separate from your application.
Send other documents not sent with initial application to:
Applied Behavior Analyst
P.O. Box 47877
Olympia, WA 98504-7877Any application questions please call 360-236-4700 or send an email to customer service.
- Renewal requirements
The initial credential will expire on your birthday. Initial credentials issued within ninety days of your birthday do not expire until your next birthday.
Your credential must be renewed every two years on or before your birthday. Renewals postmarked or presented to the department after midnight on the expiration date is late, and subject to a late renewal penalty.
Licensed Assistant Behavior Analyst
- Apply online
Getting started
Online Application Instructions
Online application instructions are on our website.
Once you have completed the process, you will find your pending credential number on Provider Credential Search. Refer to this credential number any time you contact the Department of Health or submit paperwork.
- Apply on paper
The following forms are required for completing the application process. Please download and print forms.
Applications must be completed either by hand or typed via typewriter. Completing forms in Adobe or other PDF maker will be considered modified and deficient.
Email HSQAReview6@doh.wa.gov for additional documentation.
- Licensed assistant behavior analyst application (PDF)
- Licensed assistant behavior analyst expired application (PDF)
- Licensed assistant behavior analyst supervised experience form (PDF)
- Licensed assistant behavior analyst continuing education form (PDF)
Additional forms
Please keep in mind the following when submitting applications:
The Department of Health is a primary source verification. This means the department requires certain documents to be sent from the originating source.
Education or training documents must be sent directly from the source (i.e., school or training supervisor).
Mail your application with initial documentation and your check or money order payable to:
Department of Health
P.O. Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099For certified behavior technicians (CBT) and licensed assistant behavior analyst applicants:
- The training program form is to be sent from the training supervisor who is attesting to the training.
- Please ensure the declaration form is in a sealed envelope or sent separate from your application.
Send other documents not sent with initial application to:
Applied Behavior Analyst
P.O. Box 47877
Olympia, WA 98504-7877Any application questions please call 360-236-4700 or send an email to customer service.
- Renewal requirements
The initial credential will expire on your birthday. Initial credentials issued within ninety days of your birthday do not expire until your next birthday.
Your credential must be renewed every two years on or before your birthday. Renewals postmarked or presented to the department after midnight on the expiration date is late, and subject to a late renewal penalty.
Licensed Behavior Analyst
- Apply online
Getting started
Online Application Instructions
Online application instructions are on our website.
Once you have completed the process, you will find your pending credential number on Provider Credential Search. Refer to this credential number any time you contact the Department of Health or submit paperwork.
- Apply on paper
The following forms are required for completing the application process. Please download and print forms.
Applications must be completed either by hand or typed via typewriter. Completing forms in Adobe or other PDF maker will be considered modified and deficient.
Email HSQAReview6@doh.wa.gov for additional documentation.
Additional forms
Please keep in mind the following when submitting applications:
The Department of Health is a primary source verification. This means the department requires certain documents to be sent from the originating source.
Education or training documents must be sent directly from the source (i.e., school or training supervisor).
Mail your application with initial documentation and your check or money order payable to:
Department of Health
P.O. Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099For certified behavior technicians (CBT) and licensed assistant behavior analyst applicants:
- The training program form is to be sent from the training supervisor who is attesting to the training.
- Please ensure the declaration form is in a sealed envelope or sent separate from your application.
Send other documents not sent with initial application to:
Applied Behavior Analyst
P.O. Box 47877
Olympia, WA 98504-7877Any application questions please call 360-236-4700 or send an email to customer service.
- Renewal requirements
The initial credential will expire on your birthday. Initial credentials issued within ninety days of your birthday do not expire until your next birthday.
Your credential must be renewed every two years on or before your birthday. Renewals postmarked or presented to the department after midnight on the expiration date is late, and subject to a late renewal penalty.
Fee Schedule
2024 Fiscal Year in Review (PDF)
- See licensing fees below
Certified Behavior Technician
- Original application and initial license - $95
- Active license renewal - $150
- Late renewal penalty - $75
- Expired license reissuance - $75
- Duplicate license - $10
- Verification of license - $25
Licensed Assistant Behavior Analyst
- Application and initial license - $160
- Active license renewal - $175
- Late renewal penalty - $90
- Expired license reissuance - $90
- Duplicate license - $10
- Verification of license - $25
Licensed Behavior Analyst
- Application and initial license - $250
- Active license renewal - $350
- Late renewal penalty - $175
- Expired license reissuance - $175
- Temporary license - $50
- Duplicate license - $10
- Verification of license - $25
Fees submitted with applications for initial credentialing, examinations, renewal, and other fees associated with the licensing and regulation of the profession are non-refundable, per WAC 246-12-340.