Guidance and Recommendations | Mosquito Control | Mosquito Control Districts | Insect Repellent | Education and Media Materials | Surveillance Tools | Ticks | Resources
Guidance and Recommendations
Guidance for Surveillance, Prevention, and Control of Mosquito-borne Disease, 2025 (PDF) - Guidance developed by the Washington State Department of Heath lays out a phased response to mosquito-borne diseases, such as West Nile virus. It covers surveillance, prevention, and mosquito-control activities.
West Nile Virus Surveillance and Control Guidelines I Mosquitoes, CDC - Guidance for communities and public health agencies developing new programs or enhancing existing West Nile virus management programs.
Before the Swarm: Guidelines for the Emergency Management of Mosquito-borne Disease Outbreaks, August 2008, ASTHO - Building on the solid foundation established by the "Public Health Confronts the Mosquito: Developing Sustainable State and Local Mosquito Programs," this document provides guidance to help state and local agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private industry groups prepare for the emergency management of mosquito-borne disease outbreaks.
Recommendations to Protect Outdoor Workers from West Nile Virus Exposure, NIOSH - Outdoor workers, including farm workers, foresters, grounds keepers, construction workers and others are at risk of West Nile virus. This document contains answers to questions relevant to outdoor workers regarding West Nile virus, as well as recommendations for preventing exposure.
Mosquito Control
Mosquito Control Capabilities in the US, 2017, NACHHO (PDF) - Learn what it takes to build comprehensive state and local vector control programs that can respond to the full variety of pathogens and the vectors that transmit them.
Distribution of Mosquito Species in Washington State, Washington State Department of Health (PDF) - Mosquito species checklist that highlights new findings in Washington for years 2001 to 2019 as a results of West Nile virus surveillance efforts.
Aquatic Mosquito Control, Washington State Department of Ecology - Learn about the permit process for aquatic mosquito control.
Best Management Practices for Mosquito Control, May 2004, Washington State Department of Ecology (PDF) - Approved best management practices for mosquito control that include a hierarchy of preferred integrated pest management options which satisfy the Washington State Department of Ecology's NPDES Permit requirement.
Mosquito Control, CDC - Resources regarding West Nile virus mosquito surveillance and control for vector control professionals.
Pesticide Registration, Washington State Department of Agriculture - Registered pesticide products approved by WSDA for mosquito control use in Washington.
Larvicide: Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) - Bti is a larvicide used for aquatic mosquito control. The information provides answers to common questions about the effect of this larvicide on health and environment.
Mosquito Control, EPA - EPA information about pesticides used to control mosquitoes and the roles of federal, state and local government agencies.
Mosquito Misting Systems, EPA - Outdoor residential misting systems to control mosquitoes and other insects around the home.
Forming Local Mosquito Control Districts
Public Health Confronts the Mosquito: Developing Sustainable State and Local Mosquito Control Programs, February 2005, ASTHO - Final report and recommendations of the ASTHO Mosquito Control Collaborative. The document's purpose is to serve as a catalyst for discussion and as a working document for public health practitioners and policymakers.
Formation of Mosquito Control Districts, Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington - Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington provides information about the role mosquito control districts play in public health, and how to be actively involved in the formation of a mosquito-control district in your area.
Insect Repellent
Preventing Mosquito Bites, CDC - Recommendations on use of EPA-registered repellents for skin and clothing. Products that contain active ingredients: DEET, picaridin, and IR3535, and some oil of lemon eucalyptus and para-menthane-diol products provide longer-lasting protection from mosquito bites.
Repellent Finder, EPA - Search tool to help you choose skin-applied repellent products that will give you the protection you need. You can specify the insect, protection time, active ingredient, and other product-specific information.
Education and Media Materials
West Nile Virus Education and Media Materials - Health educational materials and public service announcements developed by Washington State Department of Health promoting West Nile virus prevention.
Effectively Communicating about Mosquito Control: A Guide for Mosquito Control Partners-Second Edition, October 2018, ASTHO - A guide to help for states and communities explore and expand their mosquito control capacity. Based on research and expert communications guidance, this guide is intended to further on-the-ground mosquito control efforts and provide tools that mosquito control partners can use to educate others about the need for adequate mosquito protection.
Surveillance Tools
Mosquito Trapping Training Video- How to set up an EVS trap from WADeptHealth on Vimeo.
Tools for DOH mosquito surveillance partners:
- Trap Equipment Checklist (PDF) helps ensure that necessary EVS trap equipment is on hand before leaving to the field
- Protocol on Transporting, Packaging, and Shipping Mosquitoes (PDF) provides instructions on how to safely transport, prepare, pack, and ship mosquitoes to DOH
- WNV-Positive Mosquito Pool Reporting Form, 2023 (Word) for surveillance partners testing mosquitoes to timely report positive findings to DOH.
- WNV Mosquito Submission Form, 2023 (Word)
Please note that this form should also be used to report zero catch events.
- West Nile Virus
- Surveillance Maps and Statistics
- Notifiable Conditions
- West Nile Virus Education and Communication Materials
- Historical West Nile Virus Activity
- National Public Health Strategy to Prevent and Control Vector-Borne Diseases in People, CDC
Content Source: Zoonotic Disease Program