Partner toolkit

​Spread the Facts

Materials on this page are provided by Washington state agencies and local health jurisdictions to help partners Spread the Facts about COVID-19. Please use any of these materials to help with your own outreach efforts. For an explanation of each toolkit material type and suggestions on how to use them, refer to this User Guide.

COVID-19 Vaccine Communications

Vaccinate WA -

Campaign materials developed to explain vaccines, answer common questions, and encourage COVID-19 vaccination.

Languages: English | Spanish | Amharic | Arabic | Burmese | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | Chuukese | Farsi | French | German | Hindi | Hmong | Japanese | Karen | Khmer (Cambodian) | Korean | Lao | Marshallese | Nepali | Oromo | Portuguese | Punjabi | Romanian | Russian | Samoan | Somali | Swahili | Tagalog | Tamil | Telugu | Thai | Tigrinya | Ukrainian | Urdu | Vietnamese


COVID-19 Vaccines Toolkit for Businesses and Employers

Woman sitting at a small table with her laptop in an office

This toolkit is for employers interested in helping their staff get vaccinated against COVID-19. Some occupations put staff at higher risk of COVID-19 exposure in the workplace.

Languages: English



What To Do if You Have COVID-19 Symptoms or Have Been Exposed

Illustration of two people in masks with a clock displaying time passed

Materials that describe the steps to take if someone thinks they have COVID-19 or have been exposed.

Languages: English | Spanish | Amharic | Arabic | Burmese | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | French | German | Hindi | Japanese | Khmer | Korean | Lao | Nepali | Oromo | Portuguese | Punjabi | Romanian | Russian | Somali | Swahili | Tagalog | Tamil | Telugu | Thai | Tigrinya | Urdu | Ukranian | Vietnamese


Suicide Prevention

How do you cope during COVID-19?

Encourage people to get help and look out for the mental health of their loved ones. Primary goal is preventing suicide during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Languages: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese, and Russian


College and University Toolkit

Group of college students walk across campus

Campaign materials developed with input from a College/University Student Advisory Group. These materials may be used and customized for your own local campaign needs.

Languages: English, Spanish


Flu Free Washington Toolkit

Flu Free Washington Logo

Encourage people to get a flu vaccine.

Languages: English, Spanish


COVID-19 Telehealth

Phone graphic of a doctor and prescription bottle

Toolkit materials to help partners communicate with individuals and families about the COVID-19 Telehealth program.

Languages: English, Spanish


Additional Toolkits