Health Care Provider Resources & Recommendations

Non-Discrimination in Medical Treatment for COVID-19

This joint bulletin (PDF) reminds health care providers and payers that it is unlawful to ration care on the basis of an individual's existing or perceived disability, in addition to other socio-demographic characteristics.

Provision of Support Persons for Patients with Disabilities in Hospitals

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act require hospitals and health care providers to provide individuals with disabilities equal access to their health care services and facilities.

PREP Act Authorization for Health Care Workers with Active, Expired, or Inactive Licenses to Administer COVID-19 Vaccines

This program allows qualified volunteers with active, expired, and out-of-state licenses to perform uncompensated vaccine administration work. To see if you qualify to volunteer under the PREP Act, see state volunteer criteria and federal volunteer criteria (you do not need to qualify for both). If you wish to volunteer, please register for WAserv.

Note: See the new Infection Prevention webpage for infection prevention and long-term care information.

Communication Access Tools
Health Care Preparedness
Materials for Patients

Find materials on our Resources and Recommendations page. Materials are available in many languages.

Provider Specific Guidance

First Responders

Emergency medical services (EMS) play a vital role in responding to requests for assistance, triaging patients, and providing emergency medical treatment and transport for ill persons. EMS workers have unique challenges as they are in enclosed spaces during transport and need to make quick decisions.

The following guidance and resources are for first responders and emergency medical service providers who anticipate having close contact with persons with confirmed or possible COVID-19 in their work.

Policy Statement: EMS Providers and Emergency Vaccinations (PDF)

Perinatal Care Providers

The following is guidance and resources for perinatal providers during the COVID-19 pandemic, including materials you can provide to patients.

Patient Information
Reporting COVID-19 Deaths

Laboratory Resources

Testing Patients for COVID-19
Treatment Guidelines

Other Resources

Literature Situation Reports (Lit Rep)​​

The Daily COVID-19 Literature Situation Report (Lit Rep) has moved and is now available on the University of Washington's Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness website.

In-depth reports and topical synthesis reports are also posted there monthly, and the site has a new search function that allows you to search across prior reports.

You can also subscribe to receive the Lit Rep in your inbox daily.

If you have questions about the Lit Rep, please contact Maayan Simckes at