Demographics Data

What's Here

The demographic dashboards are divided into three geographic levels: County, Accountable Communities of Health (ACHs)* and Census Tracts**. The demographics explorer dashboards contain the following measures:

View the Data

Demographics - County

Demographics - ACH

Demographics - Census Tract

*Accountable Communities of Health (ACHs) are collections of regional organizations/agencies across the state whose goal is to improve the health and health equity of their communities. The ACHs are working to achieve this goal by creating, supporting and collaborating on local health improvement plans, supporting local and statewide initiatives such as Medicaid Transformation, practice transformation and value-based purchasing, and aligning resources and activities that improve whole-person health and wellness. There are nine ACHs in Washington State.

**Census Tracts are areas designated for taking the United States Census. In Washington State there are approximately 1444 census tracts.

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