Washington Disease Reporting System (WDRS)



teal blue Washington State with black letters WDRS accross it
Washington Disease Reporting System (WDRS) is an electronic disease surveillance system that allows public health staff in Washington State to receive, enter, manage, process, track and analyze disease-related data.

This information comes from various places including, but not limited to, health care entities such as clinics, laboratories, hospitals and local health care providers, as well as other non-health care sources.

WDRS allows secure communication and coordination among state and local health departments.

Release Notes

Resources and Training Materials

WDRS Reference Guide 2017 (PDF)
This publication overviews the WDRS surveillance system, providing guidance on logging in, navigating the home page, searching for and creating events in WDRS, and additional select system functionality.

WDRS Quick Reference Guide (PDF)
This publication includes ‘how to' guidance for navigating WDRS and performing various functions within the system, including: configuring your home page, assigning tasks, and sharing and copying events.

WDRS Lab Results Instruction Manual (PDF)
This publication provides guidance for entering lab results into WDRS using the Lab Results tab. It includes a description of information displayed in the Lab Results tab and how to upload or attach the lab report to the event. It describes the various sections of the lab report, including field descriptions and directions.

WDRS Lead Instruction Manual 2018 (PDF)

WDRS TB Manual 2020 (PDF)

Tuberculosis Local Public Health Webpage
Includes WDRS TB instruction manuals, training videos, and a case data codebook for data analysis.

General Communicable Diseases (GCD) Local Public Health Webpage
Includes GCD instruction manuals, lab results guidance, and a report data dictionary.

WDRS Features

  • Enables public health practitioners at local health jurisdictions and the Washington State Department of Health to enter, view, and track case investigations
  • Supports case and outbreak management
  • Facilitates data entry from paper-based reports
  • Allows direct receipt and incorporation of electronic laboratory reports (Full release December 2018)

Release Timeline

WDRS has different system models.

  • The Tuberculosis model was released on March 6, 2017, and updated June 25, 2018.

  • The Blood Lead model (pediatric and adult) was released April 30, 2018, and and updated June 25, 2018.

  • The Hepatitis B,C, and D (acute, chronic and perinatal) was released on June 25, 2018.

  • General Communicable Diseases (other notifiable communicable diseases including Hepatitis A and E) model was released June 25, 2018.

Secure Access to WDRS

All WDRS users will first be required to set up a Secure Access Washington (SAW) account. SAW is a secure, centralized state service that allows the user to access multiple online government agencies with a single login account. Once access to SAW has been established for the participating members, they will need to contact their local data steward to receive additional security access to WDRS.

If you are having technical issues with SAW access to WDRS, please contact the Department of Health Service Central office at 360-236-4357 or ServiceCentral@doh.wa.gov.

Notifiable Conditions and Reporting with WDRS

Notifiable conditions are diseases that must be reported to public health authorities by health care providers, health care facilities, laboratories, veterinarians, food service establishments, child daycare facilities and schools.

WDRS provides local and state agencies a way to manage and report notifiable conditions, disease outbreaks and disease investigations.

Release Notes and Reference Sheets

Release notes include corrections, changes or enhancements made to WDRS. Reference sheets include an itemization of those changes.

Send Feedback or Suggestions

If you would like to send feedback, or a suggestion for a change to WDRS, please use the WDRS Request Form.

Contact Us

WDRS Administrative Office: 360-236-4229 or WDRS.Community@doh.wa.gov.

Tuberculosis: 206-418-5500 or TBservices@doh.wa.gov or TB webpages

Sexually Transmitted Disease (Surveillance and HIV/STD Partner Services): 360-236-3445 or STD Surveillance@doh.wa.gov

HIV Surveillance: 360-236-3427 or HIV_Surv@doh.wa.gov

General Communicable Diseases: 206-418-5500 or CommDisEpi@doh.wa.gov

Hepatitis B and D: 206-418-5500 or Hepatitis@doh.wa.gov

Hepatitis C: 360-236-3390 or Hepatitis@doh.wa.gov

Blood Lead: 360-236-4280 or lead@doh.wa.gov