Screening and Genetics

The Screening and Genetics section seeks to improve the health of individuals with genetic or congenital conditions (medical conditions present at birth). Our programs also support those with developmental delays and hearing differences.

Our core priorities are:

  • Early identification and support to help improve health outcomes.
  • Building partnerships at federal, state, and local levels.
  • Supporting policies that increase access to services and screenings.

We collaborate with our partners to use evidence-informed practices that include culturally responsive approaches. Our work helps make sure every individual in Washington receives the care and support they need for their optimal health and well-being.


Early Hearing Detection Diagnosis and Intervention (EHDDI)

The EHDDI unit helps make sure all babies born in Washington receive a newborn hearing screening, and those who don’t pass their hearing screening get follow-up care. EHDDI supports infants who are deaf or hard of hearing receive early support services.

Contact: EHDDI

Genetic Services

The Genetic Services unit works to improve the health of those with or at risk for genetic or congenital conditions through early identification, improving health care delivery systems, and connecting people with resources.

Contact: Genetics

Universal Developmental Screening (UDS)

The UDS program supports Strong Start, the statewide data system that tracks saved developmental screening records of children from birth to age 5. The UDS program seeks to increase early childhood developmental screening rates and connect families and parents to support resources. It works through partnerships with state and local organizations.

Contact: Strong Start


Karin Neidt, Section Manager