Puget Sound Seafood Eating Advice - Marine Area 11

If you eat the recommended amount of servings per week or month, don't eat any additional fish, shellfish, or crab that week from Puget Sound or the grocery store.

Example: If you eat one serving of Chinook Salmon, no other seafood should be eaten that week.

Location Specific Advice

  • Commencement Bay Waterways (Thea, Foss, Blair, and Hylebos Waterways) - Do not eat crab, shellfish, or bottom-feeding fish.
  • Inner Commencement Bay - Limit flatfish to two servings per month.
  • Outer Commencement Bay (boundary between Boathouse Marina and Brown's Point) - Limit flatfish to one serving per week.

* Flatfish include English Sole, Starry Flounder, and Rock Sole

Marine Area 11 Advice

2-3 Servings Per Week

  • Coho, chum, pink, and sockeye salmon
  • Flatfish


1 Serving Per Week

  • Chinook Salmon


2 Servings Per Month

  • Resident Chinook (Blackmouth) Salmon


Do Not Eat

  • Recreational and commercial harvest of all species of rockfish (Marine Areas 6-13) is illegal due to conservation reasons. See the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife fishing regulations for further details.

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