Tools for Identifying, Validating, and Correcting Pollution Sources
Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs)
For more tool topics see sidebar at right.
Fencing of Heavy Use Areas
Burley Lagoon, Filucy Bay, Rocky Bay SPDs / Pierce County PIC
If a landowner requests assistance or a Farm Management Plan recommends establishing heavy use areas, PCD will develop a site specific design indicating footing material, project location and a nutrient management plan. The plan will also include dates and conditions when the heavy use area should be utilized to reduce or eliminate impacts to natural resources.
Jefferson County CWD
Jefferson CD assists with agricultural BMPs, including riparian fencing and door-to-door farm surveys.
Kitsap Public Health District
The KCD may recommend BMPs that benefit both the environment and the landowner, including livestock exclusion fencing and heavy use area protection.
Oakland Bay CWD
Fencing is one of the BMPs used by the Mason CD.
Sequim Bay Dungeness Watershed CWD
Heavy use area protection is a common practice promoted by CCD, particularly with horse farms. Heavy use area protection enables farm operators to remove their livestock from pastures during the wet season and properly collect and store animal wastes.
Skagit County CWP / The CSI / PIC Program
Livestock exclusion fencing and heavy use protection areas are offered to farm owners.
South Holmes Harbor SPD
The CD worked with property owners of hobby farms to develop farms plans with BMPs, including fencing.
Riparian Buffers
Burley Lagoon, Filucy Bay, Rocky Bay SPDs / Pierce County PIC
When livestock have been excluded from surface water and the associated riparian buffers with permanent fencing, the buffer may be replanted with native plants recommended in a critical areas planting plan. Buffers are expected to be at minimum 35' setback from ordinary high water mark.
Jefferson County CWD
Grant funding has been used to plant buffers in some project areas.
Kitsap Public Health District
Kitsap Health works in partnership with KCD to correct animal manure violations. KCD provides free technical assistance to landowners to establish BMPs. Buffers are established in conformance with federal, state and local requirements. Cost share money for livestock and agricultural animal manure land management practices has been a good catalyst, resulting in behavior change and increased landowner stewardship. Cost share incentive programs have proven effective in achieving water quality improvements in challenging situations and during adverse economic conditions. This method minimizes expensive and time-consuming enforcement that also damages public relationships and strains partnerships. Good land management practices prevent erosion that forms run-off channels through the riparian zone and transports pollution to streams and shorelines. Incentives are a basic tenant of the social marketing process, where marketing principles are utilized to encourage behavior change for public good and reduce the need for expensive enforcement.
Oakland Bay CWD
Washington State University Mason County conducts shoreline workshops and has an active shore stewards program. Mason CD has had several successful planting projects to replace or enhance riparian buffers in the Oakland Bay watershed.
Sequim Bay Dungeness Watershed CWD
CCD promotes riparian buffers through the CREP. Several miles of riparian buffers have been restored through CREP.
Skagit County CWP / The CSI / PIC Program
Riparian planting is a frequently used tool.
South Holmes Harbor SPD
The SPD installed rain gardens and included low impact development approaches in the watershed. Community groups were included in the construction of rain gardens to build ownership of the process.
Farm Plans
Burley Lagoon, Filucy Bay, Rocky Bay SPDs / Pierce County PIC
District Farm Plans are developed by request and in cooperation with the landowner and/or farm manager (cooperator). These plans address at minimum: farm productivity including livestock density and waste balance, pasture management, nutrient management and natural resource protections. Farm Plans are signed by the cooperator, however are not binding unless as a provision of a BMP cost share contract.
Jefferson County CWD
Jefferson CD assists with agricultural BMPs, including farm plans.
Kitsap Public Health District
The KCD may recommend farm planning. A waste management plan is a priority planning element.
Oakland Bay CWD
Mason CD provides farm plans for interested property owners through the Mason County Small Farms Program.
Sequim Bay Dungeness Watershed CWD
CCD works with willing farm operators to develop and implement farm conservation plans and provides financial assistance to implement BMPs. An arrangement with Ecology allows the CCD to work with landowners before enforcement action is taken. The critical areas ordinance regulates agricultural impacts in environmentally sensitive areas, such as stream buffers, wetlands and critical aquifer recharge areas; however, like Ecology enforcement, County critical areas ordinance enforcement is complaint driven.
Skagit County CWP / The CSI / PIC Program
Conservation farm planning is offered to farm owners.
South Holmes Harbor SPD
The Conservation District worked with property owners of hobby farms to develop farms plans with BMPs.