Tools for Identifying, Validating, and Correcting Pollution Sources
Experimental Methods
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Microbial source tracking (MST)
Burley Lagoon, Filucy Bay, Rocky Bay SPDs / Pierce County PIC
MST has been used by Kitsap County in their portion of the Burley Lagoon Watershed. The lack of quantification restricts the usefulness of MST work. In Burley Lagoon it is hard to track sources and a circulation study conducted by DOH was more useful.
Henderson and Nisqually SPDs
MST was used and found human and canine sources. This information was part of the body of evidence used by the SPD Citizen Advisory Committee and the County elected officials to conclude that OSS O&M was needed.
Jefferson County CWD
Jefferson County has submitted samples for MST testing from Chimacum Creek, although they have not been processed yet. This work captures community interest and helps the community to accept pollution problems.
Oakland Bay CWD
MST was done by the Squaxin Island Tribe and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through a Western Estuaries Initiative grant.
Sequim Bay Dungeness Watershed CWD
MST studies found non-native livestock associated with Olympic Game Farm in the Matriotti Creek watershed. The Dungeness MST (PDF) found non-native game farm animal and human DNA. Both of these led to clear sources. The Microbial Source Tracking was used as a way to educate politicians about some of the potential problems areas in the CWD.
Skagit County CWP / The CSI / PIC Program
Ambient and storm sampling included MST. MST helped the public understand that the county was looking for all sources of pollution. This was a useful educational device and fostered good discussion with the public.
Plane fly-overs
Burley Lagoon, Filucy Bay, Rocky Bay SPDs / Pierce County PIC
The orthophotos of Pierce County's GIS are updated on a four year cycle and more frequently in some cases.
Skagit County CWP / The CSI / PIC Program
County personnel participate in airplane overflights to assess the overall condition of the Samish Basin.
Scent testing
Burley Lagoon, Filucy Bay, Rocky Bay SPDs / Pierce County PIC
A pilot project using a tracking dog showed limited success and further work with a sewage-sensing dog has not been pursued.
Skagit County CWP / The CSI / PIC Program
Ambient and storm sampling may involve sewage sniffing dogs. The dogs will be brought into a scent neutral area, provided samples, and when they indicate a "hit" they'll walk into the area to indicate the source. The program will use Environmental Canine Services, and the process will last between two and three days.