Tools for Identifying, Validating, and Correcting Pollution Sources
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Kitsap Public Health District
The KCD may recommend livestock waste transfer (for example, filter strips, waste storage facility, mud management (including gutters, downspouts, confinement fencing), diversion and pasture renovation.
Oakland Bay CWD
Port of Shelton has put in larger holding tanks at their facility and contracted with Mason CD for buffer planting.
Sequim Bay Dungeness Watershed CWD
CCD led a comprehensive effort to pipe irrigation ditches that limited fecal coliform contamination and conserved water in the area. Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) monitoring before the advent of the CWD helped to convince the Game Farm to install BMPs.
Skagit County CWP / The CSI / PIC Program
Other tools include manure storage and downspouts.
Stillaguamish River CWD
The SPD placed port-a-potties at boat ramps to reduce waste at marinas. Also, the county has a very effective county-wide bacteria pollution control plan and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit with a water complaint hotline. This is part of a storm permit. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) is less effective than complaint investigation. There are issues with permit geography and where to monitor since the county doesn't own wastewater treatment lines.
The SPD provides money to fix pollution and flooded areas due to failed tide gates.