Large On-site Sewage System Fee Rule Revision

Fee Increase Adopted

The Department of Health held a public hearing on the Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Use Fees for Large On-site Sewage System (LOSS) rule (WAC 246-272-3000) on March 2, 2020. The Department of Health adopted the rule which becomes effective on July 1, 2020.

CR-103P Rule-Making Order (PDF)

Questions about the fee increase? Contact or 360-236-3330.


The Department of Health determined that fees for Large On-site Sewage System operation needed to be increased to continue to permit and regulate Large On-site Sewage Systems. The department last increased fees in 2007. Since that time the program's scope has been expanded, permitting and regulating Large On-site Sewage Systems has become more complex, and inflationary costs have increased, resulting in a shortfall in funding. View our Questions and Answers About the Fee Increase (PDF) and the detailed Economic Impact Analysis (PDF).

Annual Permit Fee Changes

  Current Fee July 1, 2020 Fee July 1, 2021 Fee
Initial and Annual Permit Base Fee $150 $450 $608
Initial and Annual Gallon Per Day Fee
(Based on Approved Design Flow in Gallons Per Day)
$.01 per gallon $.03 per gallon $.0405 per gallon

Annual Permit Fee Calculator

Calculate Your Large On-site Sewage System Permit Fee (Excel)

All annual permit fees are calculated based on the base fee and a per gallon fee. The base fee is the same for all Large On-site Sewage Systems. The per gallon fee is determined based on the Large On-site Sewage System's peak design capacity in gallons per day. The new fee for any Large On-site Sewage System can be calculated by multiplying the new per gallon fee by the peak design capacity for the Large On-site Sewage System and adding this to the new base fee.

Project Review Fee Changes

Project Fees Current Fee July 1, 2020 Fee July 1, 2021 Fee
New and modification project reviews (up to eight hours review time) $800 $848 $848
Reduced modification project review (up to four hours of review time) $800 $424* $424*
Site inspection $500 $1000 $1000
New Fees      
Review of documents in response to permit conditions (hourly charge) $0 $106 $106
Other review $0 $106 $106
Inspection related to an enforcement event $0 $1000 $1000
Late application processing fee $0 $94 $94

*WAC 246-272-3000 will provide an option for reduced project review fees for some minor modification or small repair/improvement projects.

Workshop Meeting

Webinar Presentation Slides (PDF)

Rule Revision Contacts

Jeremy Simmons, Wastewater Program Manager, 360-236-3346

Peter Beaton, Rules Coordinator, 360-236-4031