Military Resources

We Can Help You


Received a Renewal Notice? Need to renew and don't know how? Renew your license.


Keeping your information up to date is vital to continuing to receive associated renewal notices and relevant updates. Update your contact information.


Already Applied? Check for processing dates for applications with cleared payment on our application status webpage.


Get telehealth training requirements and legislative information on our telehealth resources webpage.


File a complaint about a health care provider or facility on our complaint process webpage.


Check on your credential using our provider credential search tool.

Related links

More resources for health professionals | Healthcare Professional’s Demographic Data Survey | Servicemembers Civil Relief Act – Spouse Licensure Portability (PDF) | WDVA Definition of a Veteran Legislation

Resources for Military Personnel and Their Spouses or Registered Domestic Partners

There are opportunities that may help you obtain and maintain your license in Washington State. As new legislation passes, or we develop new processes to help military personnel and their spouses or registered domestic partners, we'll update this webpage. If you have questions about any of the laws or processes, call 360-236-4700.

Note: Military refers to members of the U.S. Armed Forces, including the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.

Applications for military members, veterans, spouses, registered domestic partners

If you are a military or family member and are looking for equivalency and documentation requirements for a specific health professions credential, please visit Health Professions A to Z. You may also go to our Military Resources Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

Contact and connect

Email military resources liaison | Email customer service | Submit public disclosure request (lists and labels)

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