Clinical Quality Management

This page provides information about Clinical Quality Management for People living with HIV and HIV Medical Case Managers.

Information for People Living with HIV

The Washington State Department of Health HIV Clinical Quality Management Program's priorities are to ensure high-quality HIV/AIDS treatments and care for people living with HIV/AIDS in Washington. The program applies a dynamic structure allowing for change and updates at any time. The focus is on continuous quality improvement in the following four strategic domains:

  • Access to HIV/AIDS treatment, Care, and Support Services
  • Health Outcomes
  • The Client/Patient Experience
  • Eliminating Health Disparities in Washington

An HIV medical case manager can access your needs and your support system and help you access services to improve and maintain your health. It is easy to access a case management agency in your area. The following document provides you with a list of local agencies: Case Management Agencies (PDF). Once you find the right agency, someone there will assist you with the eligibility process. We invite you to learn more about our Medical HIV Case Management Program.

Information for HIV Medical Case Managers

The Office of Infectious Disease’s HIV Community Services (HCS) Program engages Ryan White Part B clients (the community program’s sub-recipients) and Ryan White Part B program staff in clinical quality management activities. The Clinical Quality Management Program under the HCS works to improve access and commitment to quality HIV/AIDS treatments and care for people living with HIV/AIDS in Washington. The clients we serve are healthier, and the service systems we support are more efficient and effective because of our quality management activities. We work to improve HIV care and treatment services for people with HIV. Activities that help us do this:

  • Enhance the quality of HIV/AIDS care
  • Increase access to services
  • Meet professional standards and client expectations

These activities help you, our grant recipients, carry out quality management programs. Questions about this program can be sent to:
