Suicide Prevention

Call or text 988 or chat online to reach the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline for support with a mental health crisis, substance use concerns, thoughts of suicide, or any other type of emotional distress. You may also contact 988 to get support for a loved one in crisis. The 988 Lifeline provides support in English, Spanish, and American Sign Language, along with interpretation services in more than 240 languages and dialects.

Provide Feedback to the Updated State Suicide Prevention Plan

DOH is updating the State Suicide Prevention Plan. The update process prioritizes collaboration with people from around the state, learning from those most impacted by suicide, improving equity and highlighting the voices of folks with lived experience with suicide and suicide prevention.

Download the first draft of the Washington State Suicide Prevention Plan (PDF) and provide feedback using this survey.

Suicide Prevention in Washington

Suicide is a serious public health problem in Washington. It affects people of all ages in communities across the state.

Because suicide is one of the leading causes of early death in Washington, preventing it improves the health of Washingtonians and our communities. The Washington State Department of Health is taking many actions for suicide prevention and guides implementation of the WA State Suicide Prevention Plan (PDF).

Suicide prevention plan

Find Help Now!

I need help now

I'm thinking about suicide or have thought about suicide before.

I am worried about someone else

I am concerned someone else might be thinking of suicide.

Grief support

Someone in my life has died by suicide, and I need resources and support.

Hotlines, text, and chat resources

I am looking for listening and referral resources.

Firearm Fatality Suicide Prevention thumbnail


I want to prevent suicide in my community.


I want to prevent suicide through my work.


I am under 24 years old and need help or want suicide prevention resources for children and young adult.

Journalism Resources

I am a journalist writing a story about suicide and need resources.

State Actions

I want to know what the Department of Health is doing about suicide.

Data and Reports

Suicide Prevention and Community Support Tools

I need data, information or handouts about suicide prevention.


I want to know about upcoming suicide prevention training, webinars, and events.

Resources for Health Professionals

Training requirements for health professionals - I need information about suicide prevention training requirements and opportunities.

Training approval for training programs - I need information about how to get my training course(s) approved for WA health professionals.


Other Questions

Image of Agricultural Suicide Prevention report