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Pharmacy Commission Information
Pharmacy Commission Members and Membership Information
- Commission Members
Name and term expiration date of members
Commission Chair/Vice Chair Term Expires Hawkins DeFrance, PharmD, (nuclear pharmacist), commission chair 2 January 2028 Ann Wolken, PharmD, RPh, commission vice chair 1 January 2025 Members Term Expires Judy Guenther, public member 2 January 2023 Jerrie Allard, public member 2 January 2024 Teri Ferreira, RPh 2 January 2024 Kenneth Kenyon, PharmD, BCPS 2 January 2025 Hoang-Uyen Thorstensen, CPhT 2 January 2025 Stephanie Bardin, PharmD 1* January 2026 Matthew Ray, PharmD 1 January 2026 William Hayes, PharmD, CCHP 1* January 2027 Craig Ritchie, RPh, JD 2 January 2027 Huey Yu, PharmD 1 January 2027 Patrick Gallaher, BS, BPharm, MBA, MPH 2 January 2028 Vacant, public member -- -- Vacant, public member -- -- *Completing vacated position
Commission staff
Name Telephone Marlee O'Neill, executive director 360-480-9108 Lindsay Trant-Sinclair, deputy director 564-999-3341 Main number: 360-236-4946
Fax number: 360-236-2260
- Commission Information
Mission statement
The mission of the Washington State Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission is to promote public health and safety by establishing the highest standards in the practice of pharmacy and to advocate for patient safety through effective communication with the public, profession, Department of Health, governor, and the legislature.
Vision statement
The Pharmacy Commission leads in creating a climate for the patient-focused practice of pharmacy as an integral part of an accessible, quality-based health system.
As a result, the citizens of Washington State:
- Are well informed about their medication therapy;
- Take responsibility and actively participate in their health outcomes;
- Utilize pharmacists and other healthcare providers appropriately; and
- Experience the highest level of health and wellness.
The mandate of the Pharmacy Commission is to protect the public's health and safety and to promote the welfare of the state by regulating the competency and quality of professional healthcare providers under its jurisdiction. The commission accomplishes this through a variety of activities working with the Department of Health, Health Professions Quality Assurance division.
Commission duties include:
- Regulating pharmaceutical care by licensing personnel and firms, set standards of practice, and follow up on complaints or violations by pharmacists, interns, pharmacy technicians, pharmacy assistants, pharmacies, and other pharmaceutical firms.
- Regulating the competency and quality of professional healthcare providers under its jurisdiction by establishing, monitoring, and enforcing qualifications for licensure.
- Establishing and monitoring compliance with continuing education requirements.
- Ensuring consistent standards of practice.
- Developing continuing competency mechanisms.
- Assessing, investigating, and making recommendations related to complaints against healthcare providers under its jurisdiction and pharmaceutical firms which may range from a Notice of Correction to a revocation of license/credentials.
- Serving as reviewing members on disciplinary cases and serve on disciplinary hearing panels.
- Serving as members of standing committees, when appointed.
- Developing rules, adopt policy and interpretive statements, guidance documents and procedures that promote the delivery of quality healthcare to state residents.
The commission is made up of 10 pharmacists, a pharmacy technician, and four public members appointed by the governor. Pharmacist members shall be representative of the areas of pharmacy practice and geographically representative of the state of Washington. Pharmacist members must have been licensed to practice pharmacy in Washington for at least the past five years.
All members must be U.S. citizens and must be residents of Washington.
Public member representatives shall be appointed from the public at large but shall not be affiliated with any aspect of pharmacy.
Commission participation expectation guidelines
The following expectation guidelines are intended to serve as a reference for current members and for prospective appointees of the Pharmacy Commission:
- Attend regular commission meetings, scheduled for one to two days during business hours on Thursday and Friday about every eight weeks. The Pharmacy Commission establishes its meeting schedule one year in advance. The typical time commitment ranges between 24 to 36 days per year which also includes annual commission workshops, and the Department of Health one-day board, commission, committee conferences.
- Prepare for all meetings by reading materials in advance of the scheduled meeting date. The packets take an average of four to six hours to read prior to each business meeting. An additional four to 10 hours are spent reviewing complaint files prior to each meeting.
- Participate on disciplinary panels that may meet by telephone or in person 20 to 25 times per year for 60 to 90 minutes. The panel meeting typically requires two to three hours preparation. Sometimes panels meet with little advanced notice in order to respond to emergent situation to protect the public.
- Members receive $250 per day compensation for participation in commission activities per RCW 43.03.240.
- Travel expenses related to authorized commission activities are reimbursed in compliance with agency policies and SAAM / Office of Financial Management.
Total annual time commitment
- Meeting/conferences*: 24 to 36 days per year
- Meeting preparation: 96 to 144 hours per year
- Case presentation and authorization calls**: 20 to 25 per year
- Complaint file review: 36 to 120 hours per year
*Commission business meeting and disciplinary hearings are scheduled about every eight weeks.
** A panel of at least three commissioners participate in conference calls each week for 1 to 1 ½ hours to authorize investigations, consider applications, and discuss case investigation files for potential charges.
Performance guidelines for newly appointed commission members
Attend an initial orientation about Pharmacy Commission and the Department of Health (DOH) presented by DOH staff. This is about a day in length. Initial orientation outlines:
- The legal authority of the commission
- Open Public Meetings Act
- Roles and responsibilities of commission members
- Ethics
- Confidentiality
- The legal liability of commission members and the Department of Health
- The organizational structure of the Department of Health
- Roles and responsibilities of Department of Health staff
- Roles and responsibilities of staff attorneys and assistant attorneys general (AAGs)
- Disciplinary processes
- Rule making
- Other issues
If you're interested in applying to be on the Pharmacy Commission, see the Boards and Commissions webpage.
Commission Meeting Information
Accessibility: The Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission’s meetings are accessible to persons with disabilities. More information about Pharmacy Commission meeting accessibility is online.
- How to Get on the Agenda
Request an agenda item
Anyone wanting to request an agenda item should send a completed Request for Consideration Form (PDF) and supporting materials to the commission via email ( Submit requests at least 60 days before the desired business meeting. Please submit one Request for Consideration Form per topic. Please note that the Request for Consideration Form should not be used for Ancillary Utilization Plans (AUPs) or Technician Training Programs (TTPs). You may find the AUP and TTP applications on the Pharmacy Licensing webpage.
Request for Consideration Forms
The Request for Consideration Form should be clear and complete. Reasonable efforts are made to accommodate requested meeting dates but cannot always be accommodated.
Upon submission, PQAC staff will review the Request for Consideration and notify the requestor whether the item is added to the agenda. If so, meeting details will be shared with the requestor.
Compliance with the Public Records Act
Documents submitted to the Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (commission) are public records, subject to the Public Records Act, chapter 42.56 RCW, and presumptively open to public inspection and copying. The commission makes meeting materials available for public inspection and copying on its website, including request for consideration forms and accompanying records. If you believe any of the records you submitted may be exempt from disclosure under chapter 42.56 RCW, including proprietary data or trade secrets, then do not submit the records. Instead, take appropriate action which may include seeking a court order protecting those records and providing notice of the proceedings to the commission. The materials may be submitted to the commission in a manner consistent with an order of the court when the legal proceeding has concluded.
- Commission Meetings
2025 Meetings
Commission Business Meetings – WSR 24-05-078 (PDF)
Meeting Time & Location Type of Meeting Meeting Packet/Agenda Friday(s)
January 17 – May 2
Noon to 1 p.m.2025Legislative Calls
March 24 and 28 meetings cancelled
An updated report will be presented at the regular business meeting on Thursday, March 27.
March 18 Legislative Bill Tracker (PDF)
Department of Health
TC2 111 Israel Rd. S.E., Rm. 140
Tumwater, WA 98501March 27 - 9 a.m.
Zoom # 863 0929 9195 and
Capital Region ESD113, 6005 Tyee Dr. S.W.Business Meeting May 22 - 9 a.m.
Zoom # 863 0929 9195 and
Capital Region ESD113, 6005 Tyee Dr. S.W.Business Meeting
June 26 - 9 a.m.
Zoom # 863 0929 9195 and
Capital Region ESD113, 6005 Tyee Dr. S.W.Business Meeting August 14 - 9 a.m.
Business Meeting October 16 - 9 a.m.
Business Meeting December 4 - 9 a.m.
Business Meeting If you need additional information, please contact:
Washington Department of Health
Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission
P.O. Box 47852
Olympia, WA 98504-7852
Phone: 360-236-4946
Fax: 360-236-2260
Web: www.doh.wa.govPlease be advised the Pharmacy Commission is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act, chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such, the information you submit to the commission, including personal information, may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record.
*Unless otherwise notified, meetings will be hybrid meetings (virtually and in person). The majority of PQAC public meetings will be held via Zoom with various in-person locations, Webinar ID#s announced through GovDelivery.
*Meetings subject to change.
- Past Commission Meeting Materials and Minutes
Meeting Date Meeting Materials Meeting Minutes December 12 Agenda (PDF)
Meeting Materials (PDF)December 12 (PDF) October 10-11 October 4 - Special Meeting October 4 (PDF) August 22 August 22 (PDF) June 27 June 27 (PDF) May 2-3 March 7 Meeting Materials (PDF) (including legislative updates)
February 1 Meeting materials (PDF) (including legislative updates)
February 1 (PDF) 2023
Meeting Date Meeting Materials Meeting Minutes December 14-15 December 15 agenda (PDF)
December 15 meeting materials (PDF)
December 14 agenda (PDF)
December 14 meeting materials (PDF)November 13 November 13 (PDF) October 19 Agenda (PDF)
Meeting materials (PDF)October 19 (PDF) August 24-25 Meeting materials (PDF) July 25 July 25 Special Meeting (PDF) June 15-16 Meeting materials (PDF) May 4-5 May 4 meeting materials (PDF)
May 5 meeting materials (PDF)March 2-3 March 2 meeting materials (PDF)
March 3 meeting materials (PDF)January 12-13 January 12 meeting materials (PDF)
January 13 meeting materials (PDF)2022
Meeting Date Meeting Materials Meeting Minutes November 17 Meeting materials (PDF) November 17 (PDF) September 27 Pharmacy Practice Committee (PDF) September 23 Meeting materials (PDF) September 23 (PDF) September 22 Meeting materials (PDF) September 22 (PDF) August 24 August 24 – Special Meeting (PDF) August 5 August 5 – Special Meeting (PDF) July 15 Meeting materials (PDF) July 15 (PDF) July 14 Meeting materials (PDF) July 14 (PDF) May 13 Meeting materials (PDF) May 13 (PDF) May 12 Meeting materials (PDF) May 12 (PDF) March 25 Meeting materials (PDF) March 25 (PDF) March 24 Meeting materials (PDF) March 24 (PDF) January 28 Meeting materials (PDF) January 28 (PDF) 2021
Meeting Date Meeting Materials Meeting Minutes December 17 Meeting materials (PDF) December 17 (PDF) November 15 Meeting agenda (PDF) October 22 Meeting materials (PDF) October 22 (PDF) September 2 Meeting materials (PDF) September 2 (PDF) July 16 Meeting materials (PDF) July 16 (PDF) June 3-4 June 3 agenda and meeting materials (PDF)
June 4 agenda and meeting materials (PDF)June 4 (PDF)
June 3 (PDF)April 23 Meeting materials (PDF) April 23 (PDF) March 4-5 Meeting packet (PDF) March 5 (PDF) March 4 (PDF) January 22 January 22 (PDF) For additional past meeting minutes, contact the Pharmacy Commission.
Meeting Accessibility
Special aids and services can be made available upon advance request including ASL interpretation and interpretation in languages other than English. Requests must be made no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. If you would like general information about this meeting, please call 360-236-4947. If you need assistance with special services, you may leave a message with that request at 360-236-4052 or if calling outside Washington state call 1-800-525-0127. TDD may be accessed by calling the TDD relay service at 711. If you need assistance due to a speech disability, Speech to Speech provides human voices for people with difficulty being understood. The Washington State Speech to Speech toll free access number is 1-877-833-6341.
Contact and Connect
Contact pharmacy staff | Email customer service | Phone: 360-236-4946
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