We're here to support you as you use the Cascades System.
Cascades Support Line
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Email: Cascades.Support@doh.wa.gov
WIC Foods Support
When participants think a food should be approved and they can't buy it they can do one of the following:
- Use the WICShopper app “I couldn't buy this” button to notify us of the food item.
- Call WIC at 1-800-841-1410 and ask for WIC foods.
- Email WIC foods at wawicfoods@doh.wa.gov.
Please include the following information:
- Store name and location.
- Food item name.
- Package or container size.
- UPC code (12 digit number listed under the food item barcode).
WIC Card Line
Call the WIC Card Line at 1-844-359-3104 to:
- Set or change the Personal Identification Number (PIN) for a WIC card.
- Report a lost, stolen, or damaged WIC card.
- Unlock the card if the PIN was entered incorrectly four times in a row.
- Check what WIC foods are available.
Cascades Technology
- Finding the H Tag Number (PDF)
- Keystroke Issue – New Spell Check Feature (PDF)
- Taking Screenshots (PDF)
Cascades General Tips
Certification & Subsequent Certification
Breastfeeding & Peer Counseling
Prescribe Food & Issue Benefits
- Cascades Steps: Clear Delayed Signatures to Provide the Cash Value Benefit (CVB) to Participants (PDF)
- Issuing Foods in the First Month of Life for Partially Breastfeeding Infant and Breastfeeding Participant (PDF)
Formula & Medical Documentation
- Enter Medical Documentation for the First Time (PDF)
- Enter New Medical Documentation When Current Medical Documentation Exists (PDF)
- Cascades Steps: New Medical Documentation for Infant Fruit and Vegetable Baby Foods in Place of the CVB (PDF)
Replace Benefits
- Flowchart for Replacing Food and Formula Benefits (PDF)
- Exchange Formula Benefits (PDF)
- Increase Formula Benefits (PDF)
- Replace Current Benefits (PDF)
- Void and Reissue Benefits (PDF)
Scheduling & Master Template
- Schedule Appointments Using Clinic Master Calendar–Same Appointment Type (PDF)
- Schedule Appointments Using Clinic Master Calendar–Multiple Appointment Types (PDF)
- Cancelling Appointments (PDF)
- Walk-ins Appointments in the Clinic Workflow Dashboard (PDF)
Foster Care & Transfers
- Schedule an Appointment to Transfer Between Cascades Clinics (PDF)
- Schedule an Appointment to Transfer into the Cascades System (PDF)
- Transfer a Family Between Agencies or Clinics (PDF)
- Transfer a Family into the Cascades System (PDF)
- Transfer Between Families (PDF)
- Transfer Participants Out of the Cascades System/Out of State (PDF)