The Office of Radiation Protection provides X-ray registration and inspection, radioactive materials licensing and inspection, radioactive waste management, environmental radiation monitoring, radioactive air emissions licensing and inspection, Hanford Emergency Response and Planning, and implements U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission program requirements, including oversight of the state's only nuclear power generating plant, Columbia Generating Station. The headquarters office is located in Tumwater and we have field offices in Spokane and Richland.
Environmental Sciences - Monitors radiation in the air, water, soils, and foods.
Radioactive Air Emissions - Enforces federal and state radioactive air emission laws.
Radioactive Materials - Licenses and inspects radioactive materials used in industry, research, healthcare.
Radiological Emergency Preparedness - Coordinates actions to protect the public from radiation emergencies.
Waste Management - Licenses and regulates low-level radioactive waste disposal, uranium millsites, and waste processors.
X-Ray - Registration and licensing for machine-generated sources of radiation.