Programs and Services Contacts

Program or Service Name Phone Email
Program or Service Name 988 Phone   Email email
Program or Service Name Asthma Phone   Email email
Program or Service Name Autism and Developmental Screening Phone 360-236-3572 Email email
Program or Service Name BEACH Program Phone 360-480-4868  Email  
Program or Service Name Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Systems (BRFSS) Phone 360-236-4300
Email email
Program or Service Name Birth, death, marriage, divorce certificates Phone 360-236-4300 Email email
Program or Service Name Breast, Cervical, and Colon Health Phone 888-438-2247 Email email
Program or Service Name Built Environment Phone 360-236-3385 Email email
Program or Service Name Cancer Registry Phone 360-236-3685 Email  
Program or Service Name Cannabis and Commercial Tobacco Prevention Phone 360-236-3715
Email email
Program or Service Name Center for Health Statistics Phone 360-236-4300 Email  
Program or Service Name Charity Care from Hospitals Phone 360-236-4210 Email email
Program or Service Name Children with Special Health Care Needs Phone 360-236-3504 Email email
Program or Service Name Chiropractic Commission Phone 360-236-2822 Email email
Program or Service Name Civil Rights and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Phone 1-833-428-3703 Email email
Program or Service Name Clandestine Drug Lab Cleanup Phone 360-236-3385 Email email
Program or Service Name Commercial Tobacco Cessation Phone 360-236-3715 Email email
Program or Service Name Communicable Disease Epidemiology Phone 206-418-5500 Email email
Program or Service Name Communications Phone 360-236-4501 Email email
Program or Service Name Community Health Assessment Tool (CHAT) Phone 360-236-4175 Email email
Program or Service Name Comprehensive Cancer Phone 360-236-3645 Email email
Program or Service Name Comprehensive Hospital Abstract Reporting System (CHARS) Phone 360-236-4300 Email email
Program or Service Name Death with Dignity Phone 360-236-4306 Email email
Program or Service Name Diabetes Prevention Phone 360-236-3770 Email email
Program or Service Name Drinking Water Office Phone 360-236-3100 Email email
Program or Service Name Drinking Water Operator Certification Phone 360-236-3100 Email email
Program or Service Name Early Hearing Detection, Diagnosis and Intervention Phone 888-WA-EHDDI or 888-923-4334 Email email
Program or Service Name EMS & Trauma System Phone 360-236-4700 Email email
Program or Service Name Environmental Health Assessments Phone 360-236-3385 Email email
Program or Service Name Environmental Justice/ HEAL Act Phone   Email email
Program or Service Name Environmental Justice and Climate Change Grants Phone   Email email
Program or Service Name Farmers Market Nutrition Program Phone 1-800-841-1410 extension 2, select 2 Email email
Program or Service Name Fish Consumption Advisories Phone 360-236-3176 Email email
Program or Service Name Food Safety Phone 360-236-3330 Email email
Program or Service Name Food Worker Card Phone Local Health Food Safety Contacts Email  
Program or Service Name Foodborne Illness or Food Safety Concern Reporting Phone   Email email
Program or Service Name Fruit and Vegetable Incentives Phone 360-236-3148 Email email
Program or Service Name Genetics Phone 253-395-6741 Email email
Program or Service Name Geographic Information System (GIS) Phone   Email email
Program or Service Name Health Data Phone 360-236-4300 Email email
Program or Service Name Healthcare Associated Infections and Antibiotic Resistance (HAIAR) Phone 206-418-5500 Email email
Program or Service Name Healthcare Provider Licensing Phone 360-236-4700 Email email
Program or Service Name Healthcare Readiness Program (HRP) Phone   Email email
Program or Service Name Healthy Communities Phone 360-236-3678 Email email
Program or Service Name Healthy Worksites Phone 360-236-3754 Email email
Program or Service Name Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention Phone 360-236-3770 Email email
Program or Service Name Hepatitis Phone 360-236-3498 Email email
Program or Service Name HIV Care Phone 360-236-3426
Email email
Program or Service Name HIV Prevention Phone 360-236-3444 Email email
Program or Service Name HIV Data Phone 360-236-3455 Email email
Program or Service Name Immunizations Phone 360-236-3595 Email email
Program or Service Name Indoor Air Quality Phone 360-236-3330 Email email
Program or Service Name Infectious Disease Prevention Phone 1-800-272-2437 Email  
Program or Service Name Injury and Violence Prevention Phone 360-236-2800 Email  
Program or Service Name Lead in Child Care Drinking Water (Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act grant) Phone 564-669-1098 Email email
Program or Service Name Lead in School Drinking Water Phone 360-870-6982 Email email
Program or Service Name Lead Poisoning Prevention Phone 800-909-9898 Email email
Program or Service Name Legionella Response Program Phone 360-236-3385 Email  
Program or Service Name Medical Commission Phone 360-236-2750 Email email
Program or Service Name Mold Information Line Phone 360-236-3090 Email  
Program or Service Name Newborn Screening Phone 206-418-5410 Email email
Program or Service Name Notifiable Conditions Phone 206-418-5500 Email email
Program or Service Name Oral Health Phone 360-236-3524 Email email
Program or Service Name Pesticides Phone 877-485-7316 Email email
Program or Service Name Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System Phone 1-877-867-7267  Email email
Program or Service Name Prescription Monitoring Program Phone 360-236-4806 Email email
Program or Service Name Prevention and Community Health Phone 360-236-3723 Email  
Program or Service Name Private Detention Facilities Phone 1-833-770-7500 Email email
Program or Service Name Public Health Laboratories Phone 206-418-5400 Email  
Program or Service Name Public Records Disclosure Phone 360-236-4220 Email email
Program or Service Name Radiation Protection Phone 360-236-3300 Email email
Program or Service Name Radon Program Phone 360-236-3200 Email email
Program or Service Name Refugee and Immigrant Health Program Phone 206-418-5500 Email email
Program or Service Name Rule Making Phone 360-628-0096 Email  
Program or Service Name Rural Health Program Phone 360-236-2800 Email email
Program or Service Name School Environmental Health Phone 360-236-3330 Email email
Program or Service Name Sewage Phone 360-236-3330 Email email
Program or Service Name Sexual and Reproductive Health Phone 360-236-3401 Email email
Program or Service Name Sexually Transmitted Disease Phone 360-236-3444 Email email
Program or Service Name Shellfish Program Phone 360-236-3330 Email  
Program or Service Name Shellfish Biotoxin "Red Tide" Recorded Hotline Phone 800-562-5632 Email  
Program or Service Name Site Assessment Health Consultations Phone 360-236-3385 Email email
Program or Service Name State Board of Nursing Phone 360-236-4703 Email email
Program or Service Name Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education Phone 360-236-3494 Email email
Program or Service Name Temporary Worker and Migrant Farmworker Housing Phone 360-236-3393 Email email
Program or Service Name Transient Accommodations (Hotels, Motels) Phone 360-236-3393 Email email
Program or Service Name Trucker Restroom Access - Drayage truckerMotor carrier Phone 360-236-3132 Email  
Program or Service Name Tuberculosis Phone 206-418-5500 Email email
Program or Service Name Universal Developmental Screening (UDS) Phone 833-887-0195 Email email
Program or Service Name Vaccine Management Phone 360-236-3611 Email email
Program or Service Name WA HEALTH - Hospital Data Reporting Platform Phone   Email email
Program or Service Name Washington Tracking Network Phone   Email email
Program or Service Name Wastewater-Based Epidemiology Phone 360-236-3385 Email email
Program or Service Name Wastewater Management Phone 360-236-3330 Email email
Program or Service Name Watch Me Grow Washington Phone 360-236-4171 Email email
Program or Service Name Water Recreation, Pools Phone 360-236-3330 Email email
Program or Service Name Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Nutrition Phone 800-841-1410 Email email
Program or Service Name X-Ray Program Phone 360-236-3230 Email email
Program or Service Name Zoonotic Disease Phone 206-418-5500 Email email

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